Monday 4 November 2013

Target Audience Research and detailed analysis of Q magazine

The Genre of music i will be using for my music magazine is R&B, this is a popular type of music with very well know artists such as Rihanna, JLS and Rita Ora. My magazine will be for a mainstream audience as the majority of people in the UK listen to R&B. My magazine is going to be similar to other music magazines but will have more interesting stories and more well known artists for teenagers and also adults. It will have more interviews and more music celebratory news, it will also help small band or singers get more well known by promoting their music. My magazine will be more aimed towards girls or women because they tend to listen more to R&B, having young boys bands such as One Direction would bring more young girls to buy or to read the magazine. There would also be females on or in the magazine such as Nicole Scherzinger because girls and women idolize her, and like the way she dresses so they tend to buy similar clothing to her. People look up to her and want to be her so they try and become a singer because they like they way her life style is and the way she lives with all the money and big house. R&B artists tend to dress casually but they also dress to go with the fashion.


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