Wednesday 27 November 2013

Questionnaire Results

The majority of the people who answered my questionnaire where between the ages of 15-24. If I want my magazine to be successful, I will have to plan my magazine around what the people of these ages like. All the answers that have been answered in my questionnaire was from this age group, this tells me what all of these people like and what they would like to be in the magazine. A few people from 25-36 have also filled out my magazine so I will have to keep in mind that not all people from 15-24 would read the magazine. I will have to put something’s in that will suit their age group to ensure I have a different age range of readers.

16 of the people that filled out my questionnaire were male, my magazine will be more mail based. To ensure that my magazine is more masculine, I will use darker colours. I will also want female readers, 9 females filled out my questionnaire. To ensure that females also buy and read my magazine, I will make sure that there are things in my magazine that will make females interested, for example boy bands or female preferred artists.

Most of the people I asked were students, this is why there were so many 15-24 year olds. Students like up to date music and like to hear and know of the latest bands as soon as possible, my magazine will promote a new band that do a range of different genres to ensure that all my audience is happy.

13 of the 25 people said that they prefer R&B and 9 said that they prefer Rap; these 2 genres will be the main focus of my magazine. I will use well known artists but also use my photos from my photo shoot that I will do. I plan to do photos of a new band and then of a new solo artist that will suit people students between the ages of 15-24.

Male artists were the most preferred gender of artist so I will base my magazine on male artists. Females artists were also very much preferred so on my contents I will have a picture of a female that I will take in my photo shoot along with some sort of boy band.

The majority of the people have chosen a TV advert, sport advert was second. So for my full page advert will be some sort of TV sports advert that is advertising what is going to be on the TV or some sort of new program. 

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