Thursday 28 November 2013

Photography plan

For my photo shoot, I will be taking pictures of a male boy band and also a single male artist. To ensure I keep my readers happy, I have had to stick as much as I can to my questionnaire results. For both the boy band and the male artist, I will take some photos of them in the drama studio and use the lighting, and will make sure it is a plain background so all the focus is on the people in the photo. For the boy band,  the main singer will be closer to the camera so that are the main focus of the photo, the interview that will be done with them will also be more focused on the main singer of the group. I will try both black and white and also just a normal coloured edit on the pictures and see which of the two suits my magazine the best. I will also take some photos of them outside; this will give me a bigger option of photos to choice from. I will need more photos to use on my double page spread as this will be where the interview will be. Making the models of my photography looking away from my camera will be what I will be doing the most, also making them have a laugh and taking pictures of them laughing will be crucial. This will show that they can all have a joke but also take their job seriously. My magazine is mainly aimed at teenagers, so I will make them wear what normal teenagers wear, just casual clothes, the kind of clothes they would wear to go out and about. This will make the audience seem like they aren’t any different to them.  

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