Friday 8 November 2013

Brand Values of Q and NME magazines and also my music magazine

Q magazine

Q magazine always has there logo at the top right of the page, this makes the magazine stand out from all the others as it is the brightest on out of all the music magazines. They have also gone for a neat but with a lot of information on the front cover, this tells the readers what the main stories are in the magazine without them having to look at the contents page. They always have a large picture of an artist as the background, this shows us that the main person or group in the magazine is going to be able them. Q specialize in interviews so they try to do as many as possible to make the readers interested and to attract the same readers every issues. All Q magazines look very professional compared to other magazines such as NME or VIBE


NME magazine have neat but they also have scattered and messy look. They tend to go more for a scattered look as there target audience is more for teenagers and teenagers tend to be more messy and don't really care how things look, as long as they have the information inside that they are looking for. They also tend to go for the more well known singers or bands because they think that they will be more well known with the target audience and it will be a better chance that they audience will buy or read the magazine. NME don't have a logo that stands out compared to Q magazine, this doesn't stop them selling their magazines thought, NME have a good reputation with the younger generations and tends to get passed round more because teenagers gossip more than adults do.

My music magazine

If when i get my questionnaires back and the target audience are 15-24, i will make my magazine with well known, young music artists. It will also depend on the amount of people from different sex's, different gender listen and like different genres and different artists. Also depending on what age you changes what you like a magazine to look like, so if my audience turns out to be for 15-24 year old people, it will be more messy. My logo will be large so people can see it from a distance and will recognize my music magazine.

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