Thursday 7 November 2013

Brand identity and values for my music magazine

Definition: How all the elements of the visual appearance of the product contribute to the overall product.

Brand identity is extremely important to make a magazine successful. Brand identity is all the different type of features put together to form a magazine. Companies want people to remember their logos so try and make them stand out to people, they want customers to see it and think that they are a good shop or company that sells good items. If people thing this, this means they would have developed a good brand identity. To get more sales on a product, it needs to have a good name for themselves.

Once I get my questionnaire back, I will be able to develop a simple plan of who my magazine will be aimed at through music and fashion, I will also know what sort of price my magazine will be. My main genre of music my magazine will be aimed at will be R&B as there aren't many magazines that focus on R&B. It will also have general music gossip for other genre of music because this could bring me more customers from different people. I will make my magazine stand out and make sure it is very unique, this will make people see my magazine and want to buy it. The logo will also be bold so it stand out from other magazines so when people see it they will know its my music magazine and that it has a good reputaion.

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