Sunday 10 November 2013


     1.  How old are you? circle the option below....

<15   15-24   25-36   37-44   45+  

     2. Are you male or female? Circle the sex...

Male    Female

     3.   Which part of the JICNAR scale are you most likely yo be a part of? tick below...

Group A (Professionals)
Upper middle class, e.g. Barristers, Doctors, Executives   [  ]

Group B (Managerial)
Middle class, e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers   [  ]

Group C1 (Non-Manual)
Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office Workers   [  ]

Group C2 (Manual)
Skilled working class, Blue collar workers, e.g. Car Mechanic, Machine operators, Construction workers [  ]

Group D (Partly Skilled)
Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line worker   [  ]

Group E (Unskilled)
Casual workers, dependent on state benefits, students   [  ]

3  What genre of music do you listen to

R&B   Pop   Rap   Jazz   Rock   Other?

If other, write below...

      4.  Do you read any music magazines? write the magazine below if yes, leave no comment if no...
      5.   What is the first thing you see when you look at the front cover, contents page and a full page

Front cover: _______________
Contents page:________________
Full page advert:_________________

      6.   When reading through a music magazine, what things do you expect to find? write below...

      7.   Do you prefer Male artists, Female artists or Groups? circle below, you may circle more than one...

Male   Female   Groups

      8.  Which do you prefer? Tick ONE front cover, ONE contents page and ONE double page spread. Explain below the pictures why you have ticked them...

    [  ]                                              [  ]

[  ]                                                
                                                       [  ]

 [  ]          [  ]

Explain why...

      9.   What price would you pay for a good quality magazine? circle below...

£1.99   £2.99   £3.99

      10.   What sorts of adverts would you expect to find in a music magazine? circle below...

Alcohol Adverts   Album Adverts   TV Adverts   Clothes Adverts   Sports Adverts

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