Thursday 28 November 2013

Photography plan

For my photo shoot, I will be taking pictures of a male boy band and also a single male artist. To ensure I keep my readers happy, I have had to stick as much as I can to my questionnaire results. For both the boy band and the male artist, I will take some photos of them in the drama studio and use the lighting, and will make sure it is a plain background so all the focus is on the people in the photo. For the boy band,  the main singer will be closer to the camera so that are the main focus of the photo, the interview that will be done with them will also be more focused on the main singer of the group. I will try both black and white and also just a normal coloured edit on the pictures and see which of the two suits my magazine the best. I will also take some photos of them outside; this will give me a bigger option of photos to choice from. I will need more photos to use on my double page spread as this will be where the interview will be. Making the models of my photography looking away from my camera will be what I will be doing the most, also making them have a laugh and taking pictures of them laughing will be crucial. This will show that they can all have a joke but also take their job seriously. My magazine is mainly aimed at teenagers, so I will make them wear what normal teenagers wear, just casual clothes, the kind of clothes they would wear to go out and about. This will make the audience seem like they aren’t any different to them.  

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Best Music magazine mastheads

These are my best mast head ideas, i will more than likely use one of these designs for my final music magazine. I have given myself a few different options so when I start making my magazine, i can see what masthead suits the page better.

Draft music magazine mastheads 2

Draft music magazine mastheads 1

Questionnaire Results

The majority of the people who answered my questionnaire where between the ages of 15-24. If I want my magazine to be successful, I will have to plan my magazine around what the people of these ages like. All the answers that have been answered in my questionnaire was from this age group, this tells me what all of these people like and what they would like to be in the magazine. A few people from 25-36 have also filled out my magazine so I will have to keep in mind that not all people from 15-24 would read the magazine. I will have to put something’s in that will suit their age group to ensure I have a different age range of readers.

16 of the people that filled out my questionnaire were male, my magazine will be more mail based. To ensure that my magazine is more masculine, I will use darker colours. I will also want female readers, 9 females filled out my questionnaire. To ensure that females also buy and read my magazine, I will make sure that there are things in my magazine that will make females interested, for example boy bands or female preferred artists.

Most of the people I asked were students, this is why there were so many 15-24 year olds. Students like up to date music and like to hear and know of the latest bands as soon as possible, my magazine will promote a new band that do a range of different genres to ensure that all my audience is happy.

13 of the 25 people said that they prefer R&B and 9 said that they prefer Rap; these 2 genres will be the main focus of my magazine. I will use well known artists but also use my photos from my photo shoot that I will do. I plan to do photos of a new band and then of a new solo artist that will suit people students between the ages of 15-24.

Male artists were the most preferred gender of artist so I will base my magazine on male artists. Females artists were also very much preferred so on my contents I will have a picture of a female that I will take in my photo shoot along with some sort of boy band.

The majority of the people have chosen a TV advert, sport advert was second. So for my full page advert will be some sort of TV sports advert that is advertising what is going to be on the TV or some sort of new program. 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Brand names for my music magazine

  • Legend 
  • Solo
  • PP (Perfect Pitch)
  • OAL (Onto Another Level)
  • LLM (Love, Life, Music)
  • Flow
  • Shockwave
  • Smash
  • Quality
  • Chronic
  • MM (Music Matters)
  • Tune
These are some of the ideas I have come up with for the name of my music magazine, i will choose one of the above as my magazine name and create many different examples that the logo could look like.

Sunday 10 November 2013


     1.  How old are you? circle the option below....

<15   15-24   25-36   37-44   45+  

     2. Are you male or female? Circle the sex...

Male    Female

     3.   Which part of the JICNAR scale are you most likely yo be a part of? tick below...

Group A (Professionals)
Upper middle class, e.g. Barristers, Doctors, Executives   [  ]

Group B (Managerial)
Middle class, e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers   [  ]

Group C1 (Non-Manual)
Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office Workers   [  ]

Group C2 (Manual)
Skilled working class, Blue collar workers, e.g. Car Mechanic, Machine operators, Construction workers [  ]

Group D (Partly Skilled)
Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line worker   [  ]

Group E (Unskilled)
Casual workers, dependent on state benefits, students   [  ]

3  What genre of music do you listen to

R&B   Pop   Rap   Jazz   Rock   Other?

If other, write below...

      4.  Do you read any music magazines? write the magazine below if yes, leave no comment if no...
      5.   What is the first thing you see when you look at the front cover, contents page and a full page

Front cover: _______________
Contents page:________________
Full page advert:_________________

      6.   When reading through a music magazine, what things do you expect to find? write below...

      7.   Do you prefer Male artists, Female artists or Groups? circle below, you may circle more than one...

Male   Female   Groups

      8.  Which do you prefer? Tick ONE front cover, ONE contents page and ONE double page spread. Explain below the pictures why you have ticked them...

    [  ]                                              [  ]

[  ]                                                
                                                       [  ]

 [  ]          [  ]

Explain why...

      9.   What price would you pay for a good quality magazine? circle below...

£1.99   £2.99   £3.99

      10.   What sorts of adverts would you expect to find in a music magazine? circle below...

Alcohol Adverts   Album Adverts   TV Adverts   Clothes Adverts   Sports Adverts

Friday 8 November 2013

Brand Values of Q and NME magazines and also my music magazine

Q magazine

Q magazine always has there logo at the top right of the page, this makes the magazine stand out from all the others as it is the brightest on out of all the music magazines. They have also gone for a neat but with a lot of information on the front cover, this tells the readers what the main stories are in the magazine without them having to look at the contents page. They always have a large picture of an artist as the background, this shows us that the main person or group in the magazine is going to be able them. Q specialize in interviews so they try to do as many as possible to make the readers interested and to attract the same readers every issues. All Q magazines look very professional compared to other magazines such as NME or VIBE


NME magazine have neat but they also have scattered and messy look. They tend to go more for a scattered look as there target audience is more for teenagers and teenagers tend to be more messy and don't really care how things look, as long as they have the information inside that they are looking for. They also tend to go for the more well known singers or bands because they think that they will be more well known with the target audience and it will be a better chance that they audience will buy or read the magazine. NME don't have a logo that stands out compared to Q magazine, this doesn't stop them selling their magazines thought, NME have a good reputation with the younger generations and tends to get passed round more because teenagers gossip more than adults do.

My music magazine

If when i get my questionnaires back and the target audience are 15-24, i will make my magazine with well known, young music artists. It will also depend on the amount of people from different sex's, different gender listen and like different genres and different artists. Also depending on what age you changes what you like a magazine to look like, so if my audience turns out to be for 15-24 year old people, it will be more messy. My logo will be large so people can see it from a distance and will recognize my music magazine.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Brand identity and values for my music magazine

Definition: How all the elements of the visual appearance of the product contribute to the overall product.

Brand identity is extremely important to make a magazine successful. Brand identity is all the different type of features put together to form a magazine. Companies want people to remember their logos so try and make them stand out to people, they want customers to see it and think that they are a good shop or company that sells good items. If people thing this, this means they would have developed a good brand identity. To get more sales on a product, it needs to have a good name for themselves.

Once I get my questionnaire back, I will be able to develop a simple plan of who my magazine will be aimed at through music and fashion, I will also know what sort of price my magazine will be. My main genre of music my magazine will be aimed at will be R&B as there aren't many magazines that focus on R&B. It will also have general music gossip for other genre of music because this could bring me more customers from different people. I will make my magazine stand out and make sure it is very unique, this will make people see my magazine and want to buy it. The logo will also be bold so it stand out from other magazines so when people see it they will know its my music magazine and that it has a good reputaion.

Monday 4 November 2013

Target Audience Research and detailed analysis of Q magazine

The Genre of music i will be using for my music magazine is R&B, this is a popular type of music with very well know artists such as Rihanna, JLS and Rita Ora. My magazine will be for a mainstream audience as the majority of people in the UK listen to R&B. My magazine is going to be similar to other music magazines but will have more interesting stories and more well known artists for teenagers and also adults. It will have more interviews and more music celebratory news, it will also help small band or singers get more well known by promoting their music. My magazine will be more aimed towards girls or women because they tend to listen more to R&B, having young boys bands such as One Direction would bring more young girls to buy or to read the magazine. There would also be females on or in the magazine such as Nicole Scherzinger because girls and women idolize her, and like the way she dresses so they tend to buy similar clothing to her. People look up to her and want to be her so they try and become a singer because they like they way her life style is and the way she lives with all the money and big house. R&B artists tend to dress casually but they also dress to go with the fashion.
