Monday 3 March 2014

Step by step on my contents page

 I first added a large picture of the group that the double page spread would be on, I then added a large title so that people would know what page they are on. I also added two different sections that the main pages will be divided into. I used the same colours that I have used on my front cover so that I am sticking to the same house style so it all looks similar.

 I added all of the page numbers and different artists to the two sections so people know who is going to be in the magazine. I also added two black banners, one under the large banner at the top where I have written the website on which will hopefully get the website better known, and one at the bottom right which has the twitter and facebook pages on, this will also get the magazine better known. It also has a hashtag on it which are used on twitter, this is a good way to find out what people think of the magazine.

I added text under the artists which includes some information about what is going to be on the page about the different artists. Between each of the different artists, I put red lines which would separate the names from eachother so that it doesn’t confuse people and it also makes it look professional.

I then finished off writing the rest of the information that was going to be on each page. This is my final front cover. I believe that it looks very professional and would start out from any other contents because it is neat and well organised. I have used the same house style so it matches the front cover and will match the double page spread when I finish it. I have also used some of the same fonts that I have used on the front cover so that everything is the same.

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