Monday 3 March 2014

Double page spread analysis

I have found a double page spread of the rock magazine Kerrang. On this double page spread, the denotation of the double page is that on the left hand side of the page, there is a big picture of a male holding a microphone and looking down at the floor, also on the same page; you can see another small picture of another male on the right hand side corner. On the opposite page, it contains three small pictures at the bottom next to each other of four different males. Going across the double page you will be able to see the writing “We’re being the best MCR we can be” in red and white font.
            The main rock band for this interview or for this part of the magazine is the popular rock band, My Chemical romance. Also known as MCR for short. As My Chemical Romance is known to be a rock/ emo band, this double page looks dark and gloomy.
The setting in which the interview took place is in My Chemical Romance’s studio. We know this is because partly of the writing underneath the main title which also looks like a quote from the interview as it has speech marks around it and is “We’re being the best MCR we can be”. The writing underneath this quote is “My Chemical Romance invites Kerrang to their recording studio” This shows and that this magazine is promoting this band as well as it connotes that the magazine Kerrang is very friendly with these rock bands and rock artist as they can go and chill out with the band members at their own recording studio.
Kerrang is a popular rock magazine which mainly focuses on rock music therefore they have chosen the rock band My Chemical Romance to have an exclusive interview with. We know that this is exclusive because on the left hand page on the top, it says “World Exclusive” in capital white letters in a red shape which looks like an arrow. The red arrow makes the words stand out from the background as well as the white writing. The words “World Exclusive” is also written in capital letters to catch the reader’s attention and it also connotes that the Kerrang magazine has the latest news about rock bands/artists. Also to promote their own magazine, they have added on the left page at the top left hand side corner the Kerrang website and it also says at the bottom of the website “For all the latest news”  which they can go to get more information. This again connotes that the kerrang magazine is up to date with the latest gossip and has exclusive stuff for readers who enjoy rock music. Also on the right hand page, it has a teaser of what on My Chemical Romance’s upcoming new tracks and some information about each song. This boasts about the Kerrang magazine statues as it shows that the interviewer has already listened to it. However, they have also added what each song sounds like therefore it seems like to the reader that the Kerrang magazine thinks about the readers and informs them about it therefore more people may buy this magazine as they know that this magazine prioritises its readers with the exclusive news.

            As My Chemical Romance is a rock band, their studio also gives it away as from looking at the pictures it looks dark and you can mostly see the colour black. The colour black connotes death and gothic which suits the Kerrang magazine as it shares the same genre as the rock band. The magazine then added some red fonts which connotes blood and death which goes and suits both the magazine’s style and the bands style as both are concentrated on rock/emo. As the My Chemical Romance is a rock band, and rock normally connotes loud, lively and hard sounds, the layout of the page looks quite busy ad packed as well as the pictures showing the band members concentrating on their singing career which connotes they are very successful.

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