Monday 3 March 2014

Conventions of a Contents Page

The contents page also has to have conventions to make the contents page a contents page, here are the conventions needed for a contents page:
·         ‘Contents’- having the word contents identifies that that page is the contents page, although it may be obvious that it is, it is useful having the word on the page as this will help you stick to some sort of house style.
·         House Style- having the same house style as the front cover and the rest of the magazine is vital. If it doesn't use the same colours or font, it will look like it is not even part of the same magazine and this will put people off buying the magazine as it will make it look tacky and stupid.
·         Structured layout- having a structured layout makes the page look neat; this will be easier for the reader to find what they are looking for. To help keep a structure layout, using guidelines will help alot; it’ll help keep everything in order and in straight columns.
·         Images- having some images on the contents page is important, people like to know what sort of things will be on certain pages, so having images will show the reader what is on the page and what people look like if they don’t already know.
·         Page numbers- People need to know what pages everything is on, so if there are no numbers, people won’t know what page anything is on.

·         Pull quotes- pull quotes tell people what sorts of things are going to be on the page and something that they have said, this will make the reader carry on reading on the page if they like what has been said in the pull quote.

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