Wednesday 2 October 2013

conventions and audience

The conventions of a magazine cover for plantsbrook school would be a masthead which stands out and has a colour scheme that matches the colour of plantsbrook school which would be black and red, this is also known as a ‘house style’. There will also be headlines so the pupils’ teachers or parents know what is inside, this is important to a magazine as this is what  people see and may make them buy it. Coverlines are very similar to headlines but aren’t as big in font, but these are also very important as these let people know what is inside. Pull quotes or a lure quote could be important aswell so people have an idea of what someone has said maybe in an interview. Pictures are important aswell because this identifies who is going to be inside the magazine. A visual syntax is very important because this make the reader follow a course around the front cover.
The audience of the magazine is for pupils of the school, teachers and maybe even parents. They will be able to keep up with the weekly gossip in the school and will be able to find out important dates.

Many things could be included in the magazine. An interview with a member of staff could be included inside. A page with important dates could be put on, a page with exam results, a page with and off stead report saying how good the school is. A list of problems with certain students if they have been naughty, this could be used as a punishment to the students if they have done something.

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