Monday 7 October 2013

Conventions of a contents page

There are many things that are needed to make a successful contents page. They are:

  • An image- the image needs to have something to do with whats going to be in the magazine and also must be interesting for the reader to look at.
  • Page numbers- the size, boldness, colour, font and italic are very important to catch the eye of the reader. The numbers are not always on chronological order, this is because they are mostly put into different sections.
  • House style- the house style must be the same as it wont look right if it isn't the same as the front cover or even the whole magazine. 
  • Columns- the page numbers and information are usually in columns as it looks neat and easy to find.
  • Structural layout- grids and guidelines are used to make everything on the page look organised.
  • Date and issue number- the date is put on the show the date that it is published and the issue number is the issue of the magazine.
There is always 'Contents' written at the top to make sure customers know it is the contents page. Under the page numbers, there are sometimes captions underneath which explain what is going to be on the pages.

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