Monday 14 October 2013

final front cover for my Plantsbrook magazine front cover

I believe that my magazine looks very professional. I have made a Masthead by using fireworks and used different skills such as rotating and flipping of letters to make it as good as I can. I have also used a stroke around the ‘B’ in the masthead; I have done this to make it stand out so it catches people’s eyes. I have used a camera to take a picture of people to use as my background or for on my contents page, I have had to mask it down so other conventions, such as cover lines or headings, don’t go over the face as this is one of the most important things on the magazine cover. I also have a headline which is a large font but not as big as the masthead because the masthead is the most important thing on the magazine, people need to recognize the brand. People’s eyes get drawn to the headline because of the size of it. I also have cover lines  down the left side of the page; this is the last thing that the reader sees so it is one of the smallest fonts on the cover. I have also used pull quotes so it makes people interested and may persuade people to buy it or want it, this could also be known as a lure as it lures people in to buy the magazine or to read on. I have also made sure that all the text fits in with the picture colour so it looks right and not out of place.

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