Thursday 12 December 2013

Pictures on Flikr

I have made a Flikr account to put up any pictures that i take for my media. So far i have !6 good pictures up but i am hoping to add more pictures to to when i take some of myself and also other people so i have more i a choice to choose from more my magazine. I will also have a larger choice for my contents and double page spread. I will be able to use a lot of the photos and make a lot of drafts using different pictures to see which on looks better. The link to my Flikr account is the link below:

Draft 1 for Music Magazine

This is a draft of a the music magazine i will be creating. I have used the Masthead that i will be using for my final Music magazine, I have added a white background behind it so that it is more visible, this is so that all that people will see the logo on the shelves more clearly. I have made good use of a transparent white rectangle so that the main headline is more visible on my models coat. I have also made up a few possible coverlines that i could use for my magazine, this will be easier for me because i will not have to think of them when i am making my final magazine.

Best pictures from photoshoots

These are a few of the photos i did for my photo shoot, i told everyone what to do so it made them look like they were part of a group or a single artist. For the pictures outside, i made good use of where the sunlight was so the light would be going onto the face of Harry. For the photos of the group inside, i used flash from the camera, this made each person more visible so it would be suitable for my magazine.

Photoshoot Planning table

Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds
Definition: In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect.

When taking a photograph with the rule of thirds in mind, it’s always best to compose the photograph in the camera. This is so that you can avoid cropping later to retain as much of the image as possible and avoid reducing the quality of the photographs. 

Here is an example of a rule of thirds portrait. As you can see, the eyes are lined up with the upper horizontal line and each eye is where the upper horizontal line intersects with a vertical line. This could help with the visual syntax of my magazine cover because everything is very coordinated well and could be well thought about. 


I have created a mood board to show what kind of features i will be using throughout my magazine on my front cover, contents page, double page spread and also a  full page advert. The pictures are showing the sorts of things I would like to be on them. I have different pictures which i would like my photos to be like. I have also included things that i could use to be the sponsor to my magazine which would make the reputation of both my company and the other company.

Monday 2 December 2013

Front cover layout plan

These are some layout plans for my music magazine front cover I will be producing. I have given myself a few different options to what i may or may not use. Each one of my plans have a picture in the back ground of it, this is because it will be the main focus to the front cover. All of the plans also have some kind of heading and cover lines. i want people to know what the main articles in the magazine will be, so by using the headings and cover lines will tell the readers what will be inside. Having a banner can also tell people what will be inside, but they can also be used to advertise something of relevance.  Music magazines usually use them to advertise some form of event, so this is what i will do.