Wednesday 25 September 2013

annotated front cover of a magazine

 There are many features on the front of a magazine which makes a customer buy it. In this case, the Kings of Leon are on the front so fans of them will want to buy it because they want to see what it’s about, fans of Franz Ferdinand will also want to buy it because there is a page on him. Q is a massive magazine brand, one of the biggest in the UK. So people who like the magazine will see the logo and want to buy it.

There is a visual syntax on this magazine cover. Your eye is drawn to the top right corner because this is the way in which we have been taught to read. It then takes you to the right of the page.  Your eye then gets taken down the ‘kings of leon’ because of the way it is shaped. You then get taken along the eye line of the four people because we automatically look at a person’s eyes when we are speaking to someone. You then go down the page to the bottom and go along the banner and look at all the names that are going to be inside the magazine

The use of bright colours draws your eyes to the certain spots. The yellow at the bottom right draws your eyes to what it says. The same has also been done at the top right, its used so people don’t miss important things that are in the magazine.

The main quote on this page is what the kings of Leon have said 2”its the comeback of a life time” this will make fans want to read it to find out what it means and what they have said. It had a red background which draws your eyes to it which is called a stroke.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

This is the work I produced in the first lesson of media.  I had to simply label the front cover of 'Q' magazine by using the correct terminology.